Noah - Parliament

Noah Stollfüss

Minister of Defense

I am Noah Stollfüss, born on November 19th, 2007, in the American state of Ohio. Despite being younger than expected, I have a strong passion for activities like working out and shooting, as well as a keen interest in all things related to the military. Though I possess a fair amount of book knowledge, I primarily approach situations with logical thinking. At the age of 11, I had to relocate to San Diego, California, as my brother fought brain cancer. Sadly, he passed away on May 4th, 2022. Later, in October of the same year, I returned to Ohio, where I currently reside. Over time, my fondness for Slowjamastan resurfaced, leading me to desire to be a part of it. Consequently, I made the decision to join the Parlament on February 12th, 2024.


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