Raja Oliver Zueger

Commander – Slowjamastan Air Force


Born Switzerland, Raja (which means “King”) Oliver studied engineering and psychology. His experience in the cockpit include flying: Boeing 757/767, Airbus 320, Beechjeet 400XP, Dornier 328 and Bombardier CL-65.

Raja Oliver worked in Saudi Arabia as a pilot for The Royal family. He was based as a pilot in Turkey, Thailand, Indonesia, many parts of Europe, and now, Africa. Prior to his flying career, Oliver was busy as a engineer and Psychologist in Switzerland and Indonesia. Oliver is also a management coach, see oliverzueger.com.


If that wasn’t enough, Oliver is an author, woodworker and owns a cigar company where he uses Indonesian tobacco and is the only person allowed to use tobacco from the forbidden gardens of the Sultan of Java. Oliver also studies law. Is there anything this man doesn’t do? He doesn’t wear Crocs, that’s what!