AUGUST 20, 2021


SAN DIEGO, CA – You can’t declare an independent nation if you don’t have any land. Sultan Randy Williams know this first hand – and he decided to do something about it.

Friday, His Excellency took one of the most important steps towards statehood when he submitted an offer to purchase a piece of land in the United States. The exact location of the 10-plus acre piece of land is undisclosed, as is the offer price. 

The Sultan says he’s hopeful.

His Excellency said, “It’s a beautiful piece of land and I believe it will serve the people of Slowjamastan wonderfully.”

The Republic of Slowjamastan has signed an agreement with a private American real estate firm who will help negotiate the transaction and, hopefully, secure the land. 

Once the geographic area is transferred to The Republic of Slowjamastan, the new nation will begin its construction. The Sultan says his first order of business is to secure the border, plant the flag, assemble a military and a execute a few other important actions before officially declaring independence.  

We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates when they come in.

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